Discover unique vending solutions for your organization

A Great Selection Of High Quality Vending Machines

Why Boost Vending Machines?

Boost Vending Machines is ideal for maintaining a healthy and quality life style by having healthy food and beverages options on the go. Not only it is one of the best healthy vending machines in Canada but it also offers convenient and easily accessible services and payment options which make boost vending machines ideal choice for the local public. By utilizing the latest technological advances, it is a snack vending machine which provides the best quality healthy food and beverages options with the easily accessible cashless payment option via credit or debit cards as well as mobile payment alternatives.


Check out Our Possibilities


Amazing Taste & Excellent Nutrition.

All of our products are carefully selected to exceed nutritional guidelines.


No start-up costs or Ongoing fees!

We will install our state of the art machine and keep it running smoothly in your facility - FREE OF COST.


Amazing Taste & Excellent Nutrition.

All of our products are carefully selected to exceed nutritional guidelines.


Join us in supporting a great cause!.

Every time an organization like yours hosts a MAX! Healthy Machine, we contribute towards our community.

Many Ways To Pay !


Purchase from our healthy vending machines with traditional method of payment.

Debit Card

Out of cash? No problem! Buy your favorite healthy snacks with your debit card.

Apple Pay

You can also use the Apple Pay option on your iPhones to transfer payment.

Smart Phone

Don’t have your wallet? Use your smartphone to make payment for our vending machines.

100% juices

We offer a wide range of fresh and 100% pure juices from Boost Vending Machines to rehydrate yourself with the best quality beverages of your choice which your body needs.


While mostly snack vending machines offers a bunch of unhealthy and processed junk food, boost vending machines focuses on providing a good variety of healthy snack options for the people.

Gluten free

Boost Vending Machines provide a wide variety of wholesome and nutritive gluten free food products to provide you with all the options you need to take care of your diet.

Vegan bars

Boost Vending Machines offer a variety of protein and vegan bars for the people on the go to keep your energy levels up by taking care of the healthy eating habits.

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John Doe
UX Developer - IT-RAYS
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum egetvel lacus pretium rhoncus adipiscing elit. Vestibulum egetvel lacus pretium rhoncus a quis nisly Ut vehicula gravida dui in pulvinar donec diam elit consequat eget augue vitae aliquet.
Ellina Williams
Team Leader - IT-RAYS
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum egetvel lacus pretium rhoncus adipiscing elit. Vestibulum egetvel lacus pretium rhoncus a quis nisly Ut vehicula gravida dui in pulvinar donec diam elit consequat eget augue vitae aliquet.
Eyad Mohamed
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum egetvel lacus pretium rhoncus adipiscing elit. Vestibulum egetvel lacus pretium rhoncus a quis nisly Ut vehicula gravida dui in pulvinar donec diam elit consequat eget augue vitae aliquet.
John Doe
UX Developer - IT-RAYS
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum egetvel lacus pretium rhoncus adipiscing elit. Vestibulum egetvel lacus pretium rhoncus a quis nisly Ut vehicula gravida dui in pulvinar donec diam elit consequat eget augue vitae aliquet.
John Doe
UX Developer - IT-RAYS
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum egetvel lacus pretium rhoncus adipiscing elit. Vestibulum egetvel lacus pretium rhoncus a quis nisly Ut vehicula gravida dui in pulvinar donec diam elit consequat eget augue vitae aliquet.
John Doe
UX Developer - IT-RAYS